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Conferences & Meetings

23rd Conference on Egyptology and Paprology

Siracusa, 12 -15 December 2024

The 23rd Conference on Egyptology and Paprology has just ended in the splendid setting of the island of Ortigia (Syracuse). 
Organised by the Istituto Italiano per la Civiltà Egizia at the Museo del Papiro 'Corrado Basile', the conference brought together many Egyptologists from museums, research centres and universities. It is always a very fruitful annual meeting, providing a glimpse of the research being carried out in the country and an opportunity to meet up with colleagues and friends.

OLTRE IL VISIBILE. I volti dei 'Sarcofagi gialli' del Terzo Periodo Intermedio

11 October 2024

Within the framework of the Egyptology Meetings organised by the Centro Italiano Studi Egittologici in Imola - CISE - and in collaboration with the Museo Civico Archeologico di Bologna, on 11 October the Faces Revealed project will inaugurate the cycle of meetings planned for the autumn of 2024.
OLTRE IL VISIBILE. I volti dei 'Sarcofagi gialli' del Terzo Periodo Intermedio 

Art Night. Il volto e l'anima. Indagine sul ritratto.

Museo Egizio, April 2024

The Rai (Radiotelevisione italiana S.p.A.) came again to the Museo Egizio.

This time for the documentary  Art Night. Il volto e l'anima. Indagine sul ritratto. 
Don't miss the interviews of Director Christin Greco and  Stefania Mainieri about the concept of Portraits  in Ancient Egypt 

On-Air Wednesday 24th April 2024, 9.15 PM (Rai 5) - to see the special clik HERE.

Thanks to Linda Tugnoli and Mark in Video

Did you know that ... ?

March- April 2024

With Sara Aicardi (restorer of the Museo Egizio) and Giovanna Prestipino (conservator of the Vatican Coffin Project), Stefania accompanied adults and children on a wonderful journey to discover the Ancient Egyptian Yellow Coffins. A 3 days journey through Egyptology, Conservation Processes, New Technologies!

Many thanks to all colleagues and staff at the Egyptian Museum for the opportunity to disseminate our work on yellow coffins to a wide and varied audience. A different way to discover the Museum, the researchers and the behind the scenes work in progress.

Coffin in Context Conference

Fitzwilliam Museum and Christ's College Cambridge, 22-24 February 2024

Another outstanding coffin conference has just concluded.

Thanks to Helen Strudwick, Jule Dawson and the entire organizing committee for such an inspiring Coffin in Context Conference and for the opportunity to share our work with friends and colleagues in the beautiful setting of Cambridge.

Faces Revealed Project was present with a single talk - "The Missing Piece of the Puzzle" - and a joint one - "The coffin set of Tamutmutef Storytelling. A new exhibition area in the Museo Egizio of Turin" - presented with colleagues from the Museo Egizio, the Centro di Conservazone e Restauro La Venaria Reale and Naples.  

"REading REuse. Image recycling in Egypt and beyond"

IFAO Cairo, 30th October-2nd November 2023

The REading REuse Symposium at the Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale - IFAO - in Cairo has just ended.

A big thank you to the organizers Simon Connor, Vera Elizabeth Allen and Axelle Bremont for organising this wonderful meeting on such a fascinating topic which allowed a comparative approach between scholars from various areas and periods and to cherish dialogues drawing from a variety of approaches.

On this occasion, Stefania had a lecture on The “power” of the images in the reuse of yellow coffins.

2023 European Researchers’ Night

Museo Egizio Torino, 29 September 2023

The European Researchers' Night is a unique opportunity to engage with citizens of all ages in scientific research and discover the fascinating world of science.

Also this year Museo Egizio is one of the Institutions involved in the worldwide event, including 26 countries! Visit the events to meet researchers and discover the fascinating world of science in a fun and interactive environment - Notte Europea delle Ricercatrici e dei Ricercatori 2023 – Eredità culturale: materiale e digitale in dialogo.

The Faces Revealed Project participated with activities explaining how photogrammetry works and how it can be useful for egyptological research and the study of yellow coffins. 

Download the programme here

The Vatican Coffin Project Meeting

Museo Egizio di Torino, September 11-12, 2023

In September the Museo Egizio di Torino hosted the Team of the Vatican Coffin Project for their periodic biannual meeting. The meeting opened at the Egyptian Museum, Turin with moments of discussion on the progress of the work. It continued in the scientific laboratories and in the wooden sculpture laboratory of the Centro di Conservazione e Restauro, La Venaria Reale where the group could observe the coffin of Tamutmutef (ME Cat. 2228) and see the progress of the study and restoration activities conducted on the set by the Centre.

The coffin of Tamutmutef is one of the coffin includes in the Faces Revealed Project and thanks to this collaboration will be possible link the geometry also other scientific analyses and go more in-depth on a possible ancient re-use of the lid.

XIII International Congress of Egyptologists

Leiden, 6th-11th August 2023

The beautiful city of Leiden hosted the  International Congress of Egyptologists. The Conference arrived on its 13th edition and is themed “The Future of Ancient Egypt”. The conference is a platform for Egyptologists to present and spread the latest research in Egyptology, showcasing current and future research within its many branches and beyond.

Stefania had the chance to present Faces Revealed Project with a paper titled "Not only the paint. The value of the geometry in the production of yellow coffins. Preliminary results on the Faces Revealed Project (H2020-MSCA-GF 2019: 895130)". Really grateful to #ice2023 for having accepted the paper and for giving the possibility to share the results with the international community!


International Conference "Ancient Egypt - New Technology"

Unior Naples, July 5-7, 2023

In Collaboration with the University of Naples L'Orientale and the IU Bloomington, Faces Revealed Project organized 0the 2nd edition of the International Conference "ANCIENT Egypt NEW Technology" held in the wonderful XVIth century building, headquarters of the Department of Asian, African and Mediterranean Studies.

Download the proceedings of the First Conference held in Bloomington in 2019

Futuro24: musei e archeologia high-tech

Museo Egizio, May 2023

Rai News 24 visited the Museo Egizio di Torino for a TV Report on Museum and Archaeology "Futuro24: musei e archeologia high-tech".

Among the numerous Projects is also Faces Revealed.

See the report HERE

Another meeting with specialists: the Vatican Coffin Project team in Liévin

Centre de conservation du Louvre in Liévin (France), January 11-13 2023

In a nice city in the north of France (Liévin), Egyptologists, Curators and Conservators from Italy, Vatican City, Netherlands, Spain, France, Portugal and the USA met in the newly opened Centre de conservation du Louvre to talk about yellow coffins and the latest works in progress of the Vatican Coffin Project , sharing ideas and results!

Faces Revealed Project at the Northern California Chapter, ARCE

Zoom Lecture. Sunday, January 15, 2023, 3 PM Pacific Time

Stefania has been invited to have a zoom lecture on Ancient Egyptian Yellow Coffins from Thebes: A Holistic Approach to Studying Complex Objects at the Northern California Chapter, American Research Center in Egypt.


Vatican Coffin Project Meeting

RMO Leiden (The Netherlands), May 11-13, 2022

Another interesting meeting with 'coffins' people'. In May 2022 another Vatican Coffin Team biannual meeting took place in the RMO in Leiden. A good occasion for sharing the Museums' project in progress and start interesting discussions and fruitful comments with International scholars and specialists on yellow coffins!

Faces Revealed at the 73rd ARCE Annual Meeting

Irvine (CA, USA), April 22-24, 2022

On Saturday, April 23, 2022, at 1.45 pm (GMT-7), Faces Revealed Project has been presented to the The American Research Center in Egypt - ARCE. The first in person conference since 2019 and the first ARCE's meeting!! A pleasure to take part in this amazing meeting, meet new colleagues and great to have reunions with Italians friends scattered in the US!!

Faces Revealed Project at the UniOr Summer School

Napoli (Italy), 27 September –13 October 2021

Faces Revealed Project has been presented at the Summer School “ANCIENT EGYPTIAN COFFINS AND SARCOPHAGI Study, Conservation, Diagnostic and New Technologies” organized by the University of Naples L’Orientale (UniOr) in collaboration with the Vatican Coffin Project.