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Get ready for an amazing trip back in time! Discover the Yellow Coffins from the Third Intermediate Period and see how New Technologies and 3D modelling can help Egyptologists to reconstruct the history and show the 'hidden' parts of these amazing objects.
C. Greco (Museo Egizio di Torino); K.M. Cooney (UCLA, Egyptology); C. Rossi and A. Mandelli ( Politecnico di Milano); A. Amenta (Vatican Museums); D. Soliman (Rijksmuseum van Oudheden, Leiden); H. Guichard, C. Thomas and P. Rigault (Musée du Louvre, Paris); P. Buscaglia and T. Cavaleri (Centro Conservazione e restauro La Venaria Reale, Torino); Centre de Recherche et de Restauration des Musées de France (C2RMF) in Paris; V. Ansensi Amoros (Xylodata, Paris); L. Brunel (C2RMF); G. Prestipino (Conservator VCP); R. Sousa (Gate of the Priests: Bab el-Gasus Project); J. Vilaró Fabregat (PhD Scuola Normale Superiore, Napoli)
Vatican Museums; Rijksmuseum van Oudheden, Leiden; Musée du Louvre, Paris; Museo Egizio di Torino; ‘Museo Egizio’, Firenze (Anna Consonni and Mario Iozzo); The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York (Curator Janice Kamrin and the collections management team: Senior Collections Manager L. Fiorentino; Supervising Departmental Technician S. Ian; Senior Departmental Technicians J. Vayo and L. Galante); Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Napoli (F. Miele, P. Giulierini); Egyptian Museum, Cairo (Dr. Sabah Abd Elrazek; Marwa Abd Elrazek and Sara Hassan); Los Angeles County Museum of Art (N. Thomas); The National Museum of Egyptian Civilization, Cairo (Dr. Maissara Abd Allah Hussein, Mohamed Waheed).
R. Pirelli (UniOr, Naples); F. Taverni (“Innovazione Tecnologica” office, Museo Egizio, Torino), G. Virga (Virga design - for Faces Revealed Logo); A. Caldwell and W. Perla Kurtz (UCLA Digital Research Consortium); S. Shin and N. Schwieterman (UCLA Humtech); D.Daniels (UCLA Library); S. McAvoy (UC, San Diego); V. Muros and W. Wendrich (Cotsen Institute of Archaeology); M. Svoboda (Getty Villa, Los Angeles).