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Museum Partner

Museo Egizio, Torino


Not only the Beneficiary of the Project!

The Museo Egizio di Torino is contributing to the Faces Revealed Project also with the yellow coffins stored in the building. 

Gregoriano Egizio, Musei Vaticani

Città del Vaticano

The Musei Vaticani take part in the Project with 11 coffins, stola and not stola,  part of which came from the Bab el-Gasus Cache (Lot XVII), discovered in January 1891 in the necropolis of Thebes. 

Musée du Louvre, Paris


The Egyptian Antiquities Department of the Musée du Louvre keeps a rich collection of Ancient Egyptian coffins. For the Project, an amount of 28 yellow coffins (from mummy boards to outer coffins) dated from the end of the Ramesside period to the early of 22nd Dynasty, have been selected.

Rijksmuseum van Oudheden (RMO), Leiden

The Netherlands

The Rijksmuseum van Oudheden in Leiden is taking part in the project with around 13 coffins. The museum includes objects from the Bab el-Gasus Cache (Lot XI) but also from other areas of the Theban necropolis, such as the wonderful inner stola-coffin of Djedmonthuiuefankh dating to the late 21st or early 22nd Dynasty.

Metropolitan Museum of Art (MET), New York

United States of America

The MET Collection of Ancient Egyptian yellow coffins is one of the bigger ones among the Museums involved in the Faces Revealed Project, with 20 yellow coffins, some of which dating back to the 19th Dynasty.

“Museo Egizio” di Firenze


The Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Firenze - Sezione “Museo Egizio” (MAF) is participating with 14 yellow coffins. Another lot from the Bab el-Gasus Cache (Lot V) arrived in Florence thanks to the excellent relations between the then Director of the Tuscan Museum (Ernesto Schiaparelli) and the Ministry for Public Education.

Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Napoli (MANN)


Consisting today of about 2100 pieces, the Egyptian collection of the Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Napoli (MANN)  comprises five wooden coffins, two of which are yellow coffins and are part of the Faces Revealed Project.

Egyptian Museum Cairo (EMC)


Also the Egyptian Museum in Cairo is part of the Project with coffin sets from the Bab el-Gasus Cache at Deir el-Bahari.

Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA)

United States of America

The LACMA's Egyptian collection consists of approximately 2000 art objects dating from the Predynastic period through the early Christian period in Egypt. Between them, an anonymous yellow coffin set (inner coffin and mummy board) dated to the middle of the 21st Dynasty.

The National Museum of Egyptian Civilization (NMEC), Cairo


Located at the heart of Al-Fustat, the NMEC focuses on the different historical periods in Egypt - from Prehistoric times to the Islamic and contemporary modern times. Since 18th April 2018, the new museum hosts also the royal mummies and their coffins discovered in the Royal Cache at Deir el-Bahari (TT320) in 1881.